AME, Inc.’s Inaugural Memory Mill of Fort Mill Event

By Kaitlyn Smith

The Fort Mill History Museum has upheld its mission “to preserve Fort Mill’s heritage for the benefit of present and future generations” for almost 15 years, and with the town’s 150th anniversary in full swing, the community needs an event to highlight our town’s history and future. Fortunately enough, the Fort Mill School District High Schools and the Museum have partnered to host the inaugural Memory Mill of Fort Mill, sponsored by AME, Inc. on Friday, December 1st. A night of trivia and awards for the Students involved and Fort Mill Fun for those who aren’t! Located in the Catawba Ridge High School Auditorium, the Memory Mill of Fort Mill is a trivia bowl between the 3 rivaling high schools and will encompass the announcement of the winners of the photography, art, and literature competitions too. 

Students at each of the High Schools have seen information and flyers going up around their campuses, promoting joining their high school trivia bowl team or submitting an application of photography, art, and/or literature. Each of these categories focuses on Fort Mill’s History and hopes to put a spotlight on the uprising generation’s talents and plans for the future. The trivia bowl team will consist of four members, one from each grade level, to promote cooperation and diversity. Each of the individual competitions of art, literature, and photography will select three of the best submissions from each school and compare them to get the ultimate winner! The best part of the competition is that the winning students from the competitions and each of the students in the winning trivia bowl team will win a $250 scholarship and medal.

Non-Participating Students and Community Members are encouraged to join in on the event, with the doors planning to open at 5:30 p.m. on the 1st of December. Guests are invited to vote on their favorite art, photography, or literature submission of the Top 9, buy Fort Mill History Merchandise, and donate to the Fort Mill Care Center, the honorary non-profit of the event. The Trivia Bowl will begin at 7 p.m., with awards following the event. Guests will be invited to play along with the trivia questions, even being able to answer a few themselves!

Students have a limited time left to enter into the event, with the High School Trivia Bowl Team Entries closing this Friday, October 20th, and the Art, Photography, and Literature Submissions being accepted on Friday, November 3rd at the latest. Additional information and updates for the event can be found on their Instagram: memorymill_fortmill

This event is sponsored by AME, Inc., a company that has its own long history in the town of Fort Mill, dating back to the mid-1900s. And the event couldn’t have been made possible without the Fort Mill History Museum Resources and Staff. The Steering Team behind the event consists of 4 members: David Ward (FMHM Staff), Mary Fields Spratt (NAFO Student), Kaitlyn Smith (FMHS Student), and Cole Davenport (CRHS Student).

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