In Health with Dr. Brian: 8 Ways Daily Movement Can Improve Your Health

If you’re seeking a magic bullet for perfect health, keep looking.

However, I’ve got the next best thing for you.

With more people working from home than ever before, people are moving less now than in prior years.

In effort to fix this, here are eight simple ways to improve your health with daily movement.

1. Promotes Heart Health: Your heart thrives on regular use. Daily movement that will increase your heart rate keeps it pumping at its best, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

2. Boosts Metabolic Efficiency: Regular movement will increase your metabolism, helping you burn calories more effectively.

3. Fosters Better Brain Health: Regular physical activity improves cognition, memory, and mood, courtesy of the increased blood flow to your brain and the release of hormones that make you feel happier and more relaxed.

4. Improves Sleep Quality: Physical activity can be your golden ticket to better sleep. It helps regulate your circadian rhythm, promotes deeper sleep stages, and can even tackle insomnia.

5. Strengthens Immune System: Consider daily movement a booster shot for your immune system. Regular physical activity can help fend off common illnesses and even reduce the risk of chronic conditions.

6. Helps Manage Weight: Whether you're trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight, daily movement can be a powerful ally. By increasing your energy expenditure, it helps balance the calories in-calories out equation in favor of your health goals.

7. Improves Flexibility and Strength: Daily movement can sculpt your body, improving your strength, endurance, and flexibility. This leads to better balance, coordination, and a decrease in the risk of falls and injuries.

8. Boosts Energy Levels: Feeling sluggish? A bout of physical activity can be the jolt your system needs. It increases oxygen flow, stimulates your body, and helps reduce fatigue.

Daily movement is hard for many because it requires consistency. Not every day needs to be a trip to the gym or leave you gasping for air.

Just. Get. Moving.

Its benefits seep into every aspect of your well-being, from your heart to your brain, from your muscles to your mood. The beauty of it is that it doesn't require a gym membership or fancy equipment; all it takes is opportunities for movement embedded into your day.

Whether you’re taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking after a meal, or following an exercise routine online. Do it.

Remember, health is not a sprint but a marathon.

Even the smallest steps can lead to the biggest changes. So, lace up your shoes and step into a healthier, happier life.

Movement is the best medicine.


Dr. Brian Strump is a chiropractor and owner of Live Active Charlotte, a CrossFit/functional fitness gym located in the Steele Creek area of Charlotte.

If you’re interested in making a change in your health or simply have questions, you can learn more about Brian and his staff by visiting: 

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