In Health with Dr. Brian: Staying Fit Over 50

By: Dr Brian Strump

With some added wisdom and a sprinkle of silver strands, the milestone of turning 50 often brings along reflections about health and vitality. The golden years need not be synonymous with a decline in fitness.

With strategic approaches, especially by prioritizing strength training, one can not only maintain but also enhance their physical condition. Here’s a compact guide featuring five key strategies to help keep you fit and over 50.

1. Embrace Strength Training
Research consistently underscores the importance of strength training, particularly as we age. It’s a linchpin in preserving and enhancing muscle mass, ensuring bones are strong, and maintaining metabolic rate. Furthermore, it plays a pivotal role in preventing age-related ailments such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Engage in strength training exercises, under professional guidance if possible, at least twice a week to keep muscles and bones strong.

2. Functional Fitness
Adapting exercise routines that mimic everyday activities—referred to as functional fitness—can be immensely beneficial. It ensures that our bodies remain adept at performing daily tasks with ease and reduces the risk of injury. Exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and push-ups enhance our ability to lift, pull, and push in real-life scenarios, allowing for greater autonomy and quality of life.

3. Flexibility and Stability:
Balance and flexibility are often the unsung heroes in the fitness narrative, especially relevant as we age. Including yoga, or simple stretching routines can enhance flexibility but also improves balance, thereby reducing the risk of falls and enhancing mobility. Consider dedicating specific sessions each week to foster these crucial physical aspects.

4. Mindful Nutrition:
Nutrition invariably impacts fitness and well being. Adopt a mindful approach towards eating by
including an array of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet. Be cautious of calorie-dense foods that offer little nutritional value, and ensure your body receives the necessary nutrients to support your active lifestyle. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and consider consulting a nutritionist to tailor a nutrition plan that complements your fitness goals.

5. Incorporate Rest and Recovery:
Acknowledging the importance of rest and recovery is paramount, particularly beyond 50 when bodies might take a tad longer to recuperate after workouts. Ensure that your fitness regime includes adequate rest days, and consider integrating gentle activities, such as walking or swimming, to facilitate active recovery. Don’t neglect the importance of a good night’s sleep, as it’s a key player in muscle recovery and overall health.

Woven through these strategies is a fundamental theme to health: consistency. Implementing these strategies with regularity will yield dividends in maintaining and even enhancing fitness beyond 50.

Consistency with health and fitness is often associated with enjoyment. Be sure to select activities and foods that not only serve your fitness and health but also bring joy and fulfillment.

Maintaining vitality beyond 50 is not just a feasible goal but a highly achievable one. By intertwining strength training, functional fitness, flexibility, mindful nutrition, and adequate rest, you create a framework to support an active, healthy lifestyle through the 50s and beyond.


Dr. Brian Strump is a chiropractor and owner of Live Active Charlotte, a CrossFit/functional fitness gym located in the Steele Creek area of Charlotte. 

If you’re interested in making a change in your health or simply have questions, you can learn more about Brian and his staff by visting:

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