York County Management released a statement to address public concerns regarding the Silfab Solar site in Fort Mill. The statement clarifies that a May 9th Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) decision did not apply to Silfab, as the company had received an official zoning verification letter 18 months prior, confirming its right to develop the property for solar panel manufacturing. The BZA decision only applies to future projects in the light industrial district.
The Chairman of the BZA stated, “The case as we hear it is very limited. It only regards whether or not one particular activity can occur in a light industrial zone. It has no specific reference to any particular location, any particular project. It is a generic representation of that particular type of manufacturing, in that particular zoning district. That is all.”
The statement emphasizes that the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) has sole jurisdiction over reviewing, approving, and monitoring chemical use and storage at the site. Silfab has obtained the necessary permits to construct its facility, and additional information supporting SCDHEC’s permit issuance can be found online.
Here is a a timeline of events related to the Silfab site:
- 1992: The County rezones a large parcel owned by the Eubanks family to LI (Light Industrial). This parcel includes the current Silfab site and land later acquired by the Fort Mill School District.
- 2019: York County Planning approves a traffic analysis for three buildings, including 7149 Logistics Lane.
- 2020: York County Planning approves the subdivision of the parcels.
- August 2021: York County Economic Development confirms with Planning that solar panel manufacturing is allowed in the LI District under both current and updated zoning codes.
- March 2022: The County updates its zoning code, removing schools as a permitted use in LI and Industrial (ID) Districts.
- October 2022: The school district applies to rezone its undeveloped land to build two new schools.
- December 21, 2022: Silfab contacts the County about zoning for solar panel manufacturing.
- December 22, 2022: Silfab requests an official zoning verification letter.
- December 27, 2022: Planning issues the letter confirming that solar panel manufacturing is allowed in the LI District.
- January – October 2023: Silfab leases the site, applies for a Fee-In-Lieu of Tax (FILOT), receives a state development grant, and submits various plans to the County.
- Summer 2023: Silfab applies for an air permit from DHEC.
- March 1, 2024: Silfab receives the air permit from DHEC.
- January 2024: Planning staff receives emails from residents about zoning issues.
- February 14, 2024: A resident requests an interpretation of whether solar panel manufacturing is allowed in the LI District.
- February 16, 2024: The Zoning Administrator confirms that it is allowed.
- March 14, 2024: The resident appeals the determination to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA).
- May 9, 2024: The BZA hears the appeal and reverses the Administrator’s determination.
- February – May 2024: Silfab submits various plans for the property and receives conditional site plan approval.
- May 30, 2024: The BZA issues its formal written decision on the appeal.
- Currently: There is a 30-day appeal period that expires on June 29th.
The full statement from York County can be seen here: https://www.yorkcountygov.com/DocumentCenter/View/8556